As promised, here is my second post this week (..kind of). So I spent last weekend in our nation's capital for a 10 kilometer race. More on the race later, but we'll start off this trip with a glimpse of my friend's swanky apartment.
She was nice enough to take me through most of the national mall, even on a semi-broken foot. To get there, we needed to take what is quite possibly the cleanest, most beautiful metro system in the world.
After the metro our first stop was President Obama's white house.
We continued through the national mall and took a quick stop at the World War II memorial. Here, we can see a shot of the memorial as the sun started to set on the Washington Monument.
As the sun completely set, we finished our tour at the Lincoln Memorial. President Lincoln looks quite content sitting, forever enshrined in marble...
...Back to the 10k, unfortunately it didn't happen. A combination of bad weather, poor health and an unreasonably early start time prevented us from competing. In the end though, it was a great month of training and a fantastic weekend in DC. Sometimes, the process is much more important than the outcome. You can ponder that, as I sign off with my friend interpreting the engravings in the Lincoln Memorial.
Back to Boston next week...
Like the creativity of the wrought iron shot. Nice.